music i like rn!!!

no bg music in this one!! so it doesnt mess with the music

every time i go INSANE over a song, band or album ill post it here!! really i just want a place to rant about stuff and to see if anyone else likes the things i do ::P
heres my spotify playlist btw!!
update on 23/08/2024: prob gonna add stuff here a lot less, ive moved 2 digital download over streaming (wanna try physical media but yknow. money) an i keep forgetting 2 find this stuff on spotify 2 post here

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春雨や 蜂の巣つたふ 屋根の漏り


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makes my brain dance in an undescribable way. tones are making me rotate internally


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Pensé en un mundo sin memoria, sin tiempo; consideré la posibilidad de un lenguaje que ignorara los sustantivos, un lenguaje de verbos impersonales y de indeclinables epítetos.
Así fueron muriendo los días y con los días los años,
pero algo parecido a la felicidad ocurrió una mañana.
Llovió, con lentitud poderosa.

this whole album is so fucking good chris chris is awesome

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found it from a vrisrezi a dirty homestuck i admit it
goes hard tho


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SEPTUPLE POST. if im honest i kiiiinda forgot this page existed, so this is kinda everything ive been listenin to a lot since the last update >::]


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sad but kinda hopeful. makes me feel something i cant quite place
awesome n u should listen


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i have literally only heard this song once and i don't even know if i think it's that good. but it showed up in the playlist i was listening to on shuffle and the beat was pretty catchy and for some reason i just started. dancing? in my room, in near complete darkness, at eleven pm. god i definitely looked stupid but that felt really good for some reason? might be the sleep deprivation catching up to me but i think it was nice to forget about all my problems for a few minutes and just do something stupid and silly because why the hell shouldn't i! it isn't like anyone's gonna stop me ::]

17/06/2024 (just realised i forgot to date the first one, oh well!

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FIRST ENTRY!~! honestly surprising its this one, i havent been into this artist or genre for a while now!! the last time was... about january 2023, i think! i remember it cuz me n my friends kept staying up until one in the morning listenin to the same music and talking and this was one o the main types of things we listened to ::)
that was around when we first became friends i think. a few weeks before all the stuff im about to say, we all got added to one of those annoying 'add everyone you know!!' group chats by some people we knew (before we knew each other), but nobody really used it much. we were all staying up on new years eve during the summer holidays and i guess we just wanted someone to talk to? whatever the reason, we all decided to talk on that group chat and we ended up talking waaay too early into the morning
it was like that all summer, nearly
somethin about late night conversations made us open up more than we wouldve normally, i guess, n we became friends pretty quickly
we ended up meeting (cuz it turns out we all went to the same school) and it kinda just went from there
...really miss it, honestly
none of its been the same for a while, but thats ok i guess. things have to end someday
im just glad it happened is all ::]
fuuuck im nearly crying TT-TT i get emotional when im listening to music and its late and i start remembering too hard
ok finally ending thing!!! this songs good go listen to it!!!

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