photo diary

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finally got an old camera workin n im gonna try take at least 1 photo of smth ive done per day!!
its kinda cuz i dont rlly have the motivation 2 write blog posts all the time (ever) but i wanna write stuff down somewhere n i like taking photos so this seems like its gonna work!!
ideas been stewing around in my head 4 a few days but i think ive finally got the motivation 2 work on it >%^]

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worked on the heightmap 4 my world 2day! also played deadlock. deadlocks so cool i love it

day 10 - 16/09/2024

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ok so this is actually being posted on the 16th and i knoooow i said id do one every day but i missed yesterday cuz i was deadass so tired i fell asleep at like. nine
it was my grandmas 90th birthday yesterday! thats it im too tired to remember what else i was gonna say
i ate almost definitely too much cake

day 9 - 15/09/2024

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saw some pigeons while walking my dog. pigeons are cool birds i dont understand why people dont like them
imma be honest rn i cant remember what i was gonna say abt the m&ms drink its like 11 pm rn and im not in the mood 4 angry ranting
everything might be going to shit but rn it feels like everythings gonna be okay and i think that means im better than i was which yeah that fucks hell yes
i am vibing the fuck out to musics. i fucking love windows media player u have no idea

day 8 - 14/09/2024

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i did one yesterday but forgot to post it oops
ate ice cream today life is good

day 7 - 13/09/2024 (secretly 14/09/2024 but shhhhh)

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lost smth while walking my dog freaked out n now i feel like shit
im too tired to write more today

day 6 - 12/09/2024

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alas two more days of school this week
had dnd club after school tho! some1 new is dming n hes never done it b4 so im. a bit concerned abt how well the campaign is gonna go but it cant hurt to try
(nearly) everyone there is rlly cool, i wanna talk 2 more of them but most are at different tables in other rooms while walking home i saw a cool looking old car. thats it thats the photo context
pohutukawa is blooming too so thats cool hopefully its finally gonna start getting warmer (its def been more sunny recently i swear im not tripping (im aware thats how seasons work but spring started like. a week ago so its cool its happening so fast))

day 5 - 11/09/2024

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boring day again
maybe itll be better tomorrow!who knows
i saw a lot of traffic cones while walking home. think the populations growing

day 4 - 10/09/2024

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weekends over! cant say i love school. or even. like school. but its a bit more fun 2 see my school friends (who i rlly wanna talk 2 outside of school!! i just dont have any1s numbers or discord ::( ) 4 a tiny bit than 2 not see them at all like the weekends. god i need 2 get out more my life is so fucking BORING ugh
its crazy cuz i could literally js go ANYWHERE i have a bus card w money on it n theres a ton of places in walking distance of my house but i sit inside all day wishing my life was more interesting anyway
anyway onto tje photos. i drew interloper from c.ob during science 2day theyre so silly (i hate science in school sm. i love science as a subject but my teacher @ my new school is SO FUCKING BORING like i swear he does NOT care abt the stuff he teaches AT ALL every lesson he just plays some shitty youtube video or smth n is like 'write that down' and THATS IT (im so sad abt it cuz my science teacher @ my old school was so cool. ur never gonna see this site but in the off chance u do js know ur awesome)) n then i took sum photos while walking my dog cuz the sky was pretty

day 3 - 09/09/2024

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mostly uneventful 2day tbh
ive still got a cold n im so annoyed abt it
i drew sum concept art/ideas 4 my worldbuilding proj tho! its the first thing ive drawn in a loooong while n i think im finally getting outta the art burnout ::3 then i made rlly shitty spaghetti n mince stuff 4 dinner. i was gonna do pasta but my sister put the spaghetti in the pot b4 i could do anything im in an introspectionative mood rn. idk if its gonna go anywhere We Will See

thats all 4 2day folks. day 2 - 08/09/2024

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hung out w my friends at tje mall 2day!! i HATE malls they r like VIOLENCE 2 my brain i get overstimulated v v easily in those places BUT hanging out w them was cool cuz i dont get 2 see them much (most of my friends go 2 different schools than me ::( majority arent even in this city n some r in other countries)
i bought a stuffed seal his name is carbon monoxide and he is my stupid little baby and i love him (hes the one on the left in the img!!)
one of my friends bought the other seal that was there (there were only 2 of them). they r brothers n his name is carbon dioxide

day 1 - 07/09/2024

music is 'Bicycle Waltz' by Goodbye Kumiko!